A minimalistic but hardcore scifi platformer where you play as a robot trainee.
Robot training program is a set of puzzles and difficult obstacles through which you need to complete for a certain time. The main difficulty is that the world is invisible to the robot and shown only for a small period when the scan ability is activated.
Futuristic laconic levels will seem simple, but it is worth remembering that each surrounding object is hostile for a small fragile robot. Your main enemies will be time and a limited number of charges. Your friends are reaction, calculation and sense of time.
Each level will require you to carefully study the new difficulties. You will be able to pass through the portal only by learning on your mistakes, looking for a safe way to avoid the obstacles and solve puzzles on a given time.
If it seems to you that there are few difficulties, try to pass each level into three stars!
منصة scifi بأدنى الحدود ولكن المتشددين حيث تلعب كمتدرب آلي.
برنامج تدريب الروبوت عبارة عن مجموعة من الألغاز والعقبات الصعبة التي تحتاج إلى إكمالها لفترة زمنية معينة. الصعوبة الرئيسية هي أن العالم غير مرئي للروبوت ولا يظهر إلا لفترة صغيرة عندما يتم تنشيط قدرة المسح.
ستبدو مستويات laconic المستقبلية بسيطة ، لكن تجدر الإشارة إلى أن كل كائن محاط معاد للروبوت الهش الصغير. أعدائك الرئيسي سيكون الوقت وعدد محدود من التهم. أصدقائك هم رد فعل وحساب وشعور الوقت.
سيتطلب منك كل مستوى دراسة الصعوبات الجديدة بعناية. لن تكون قادرًا على المرور عبر البوابة إلا بالتعرف على أخطائك ، والبحث عن طريقة آمنة لتجنب العقبات وحل الألغاز في وقت معين.
إذا بدا لك أن هناك بعض الصعوبات ، فحاول تمرير كل مستوى إلى ثلاث نجوم!
A minimalistic but hardcore scifi platformer where you play as a robot trainee.
Robot training program is a set of puzzles and difficult obstacles through which you need to complete for a certain time. The main difficulty is that the world is invisible to the robot and shown only for a small period when the scan ability is activated.
Futuristic laconic levels will seem simple, but it is worth remembering that each surrounding object is hostile for a small fragile robot. Your main enemies will be time and a limited number of charges. Your friends are reaction, calculation and sense of time.
Each level will require you to carefully study the new difficulties. You will be able to pass through the portal only by learning on your mistakes, looking for a safe way to avoid the obstacles and solve puzzles on a given time.
If it seems to you that there are few difficulties, try to pass each level into three stars!